Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sexual harassment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sexual harassment - Assignment Example Women feel more comfortable when talking to other women about these issues. Aside from this, the organization can stipulate in its code of conduct that sexual harassment goes against company policy and violators will be dealt with severely. Finally, training can be provided to new employees, particularly male employees, about what appropriate touch is in the workplace. In addition, training can be provide to new female employees about what to do when they feel they have been sexually harassed, who they should go to, and what the potential outcomes may be. The first thing that an organization should do when dealing with alleged sexual harassment is to investigate the incident. Were there any witnesses? If not, is the complainant’s word strong enough to take action. Without indisputable evidence, it is very difficult to reprimand someone for an action they may not have taken. If it can be proved beyond all doubt that sexual harassment occurred, then the violator should first receive a warning and potential suspension from work duties. If it occurs again, then the violator should be instantly dismissed. If, on the other hand, the sexual harassment cannot be proved, then no action can be taken at that time. The best that could be done would be to file a report and keep it on hand for any future instances of sexual harassment occurring

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Financial Accounting has become increasingly standardised and Essay

Financial Accounting has become increasingly standardised and harmonized across organizations in different industries, while Management Accounting continues to - Essay Example Each corporation that is registered under the Companies Act faces a requisite to prepare a set of accounts that would present an accurate as well as reasonable view of its profit otherwise loss for the specific year along with that of its conditions almost by the end of each year . It is noticeable that the Annual accounts for Companies Act rationales by and large consist of the following elements: But the as long as the conglomerate is a "parent company", in other words, the company that furthermore owns additional companies - auxiliary then "merged accounts" have got to also be primed. Yet again there are certain prevailing exceptions to this prerequisite. The proportional figures ought to also be specified for more or less each and every one of the substance as well as scrutiny specified within a year end of financial statements. There are certain exceptions to this rule which are shown specifically. For illustration, there is no prerequisite to offer proportional figures for the notes detailing the arrangements during the year upon fixed positive characteristic otherwise reserves balances. (Melissa Bushman)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Posing that query of an accountant is similar to enquiring a cultivator what possible need would rainfall fulfill? There is no doubt that accounting element is required in order to assess and support the progressive development of any specific business. And thus it would not be wrong to deem it as the actual supportive wall the actual backbone of the financial accounting structure. The country of Italy has come out after years of research as the foremost recorded resource for accounting entries, in addition to being the initial published accounting toil during 1494 was through a Venetian monk.   So it is not too hard to perceive this conceptual element of accounting as a well thought-out method for