Saturday, December 28, 2019

Who Is Born As A South Korean - 1502 Words

Born as a South Korean, but lived in various places around the world. Blended with people who did not share the same culture, language, race, belief, and tradition - which an elementary girl had to take in a lot. Growing up in Pakistan and living in an International Boarding School was not an easy life. Having to acclimate with various types of nationalities, I had to go through many clashes and conflicts. This is where most of my experiences came from - struggling with students and adults at my high school. For five years studying in Pakistan, I went through moments when my life was falling apart and moments when my life was going smooth. These stages of my life gave me so much agony, pessimism, despondency, and blinded me from seeing the purpose and meaning of life. On the other hand, it also did give me laughter and happiness. However, under those circumstances, I strived to fight with differences and problems that I had to come across with, but the hardest part was when there was no one there by my side. Nevertheless, because of my unique lifestyle and experiences, it persuaded me to have a passion for helping teenagers. The reason is because there will and there are people who are going through the same situation as I went through. As for this, I want teenagers or anyone to know that there is someone who is always willing to reach out. Someone who can be reliable. Someone who can listen. Someone who can advise. Someone who can care. Someone who can influence. And theseShow MoreRelatedPop And Korean Pop Music Essay1511 Words   |  7 PagesK-pop, short for Korean Pop Music, is a South Korean phenomenon that is starting to spread globally thanks to the internet. 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Although, the service time can depend on which branch of the military anRead MoreThe Rate Of The Foreign Born Population1607 Words   |  7 PagesWithin the United States the rate of the foreign-born population—i.e. those who are not a U.S. citizen at birth (US Census Bureau, 2016)—has been steadily increasing over the past several decades. Since the 1970s, numbers have increased from 9.6 million foreign born immigrants, to more than 40 million foreign born immigrants in 2013 (Pew Research Center, 2015, p. 65). Another change also shows the variating demographics of the immigrants. In the 60s and 70s, many of the immigrants came across fromRead MoreEssay on South Korean Culture691 Words   |  3 PagesSouth Korea is one of the most homogeneous countries in the world, in which it has its own culture, language, and customs that are different from other Asian countries. In S outh Korea, the citizens greatly value hard work, filial piety, and humility in their daily lives. South Koreans are very proud people in which they pride themselves in their traditional culture and their financial success. South Koreans have certain etiquettes and manners that are highly esteemed in their culture. Like JapanRead MoreAaaw1208 Words   |  5 Pageslucky enough to be close to them for I was born in LA and spent many wonderful holidays with them before my family moved to Korea, but luckily our grandparent soon followed us to Korea where I was able to maintain a close relationship before I left for college. My grandparents are special people. They have had very colorful and interesting lives. Not only have they experienced the Korean war of 1950 and have lived through the dictator regime of South Korea of the 60s, they also took their familyRead MoreKim Jong Sung By Kim Il Sung1468 Words   |  6 Pages Kim Il Sung, originally born Kim Song-ju, was born on April 15, 1912. Kim was born in a dark time for the Koreans due to the occupation of Korea by Japan. It was around this time when North Koreans grew tired of being Japan’s puppets, and they were ready for a true Korean to stand up for them and take back their beloved country. Kim IL Sung was not born to become anyone important, and he was certainly not born to become the future dictator of North Korea. Kim’s family came from nowhere specialRead MoreNorth Korea Research Paper1053 Words   |  5 Pageschildren were born as â€Å"no-count† meaning that when they were born they weren’t counted as par t of the existing society and didn’t have supplies given to them. North Korea was once a unified country with South Korea until September 9, 1948 when it became a separate country. From 1910 to 1945 Japan had ruled all of Korea. â€Å"After World War II from 1939 to 1945 Russia controlled what is right now North Korea, and the United States controlled southern Korea. Three years after the war North and South Korea became

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Metaphor Of The Mountain - 1935 Words

Assignment one. a. The metaphor of the mountain means the character of a person, which is also populated with trees that signify a person’s goodness of mind. When the trees are cut down, the mountain looks bare. Just like a person’s character, when it lacks goodness, people will think that the person was bad, to begin with. b. The author thinks that human nature is basically good or bad depending on the nourishment it receives. It can retain or lose its qualities. As Mencius says, â€Å"†¦the mind can retain its beauty after what it develops during its life in day and night†¦and it is shackled and destroyed by what takes place during the day. This destruction takes place again and again†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Mencius, n.d) c. Forces that undermine a beautiful†¦show more content†¦This is because there are people who would not conduct their dealings in a fair manner and must be forced to comply with set rules so as not to harm others. 2. In my career, I intend to follow the following ethical values: †¢ Loyalty to my career and also to my superiors. This is because, in order to get loyalty, I would have to be loyal myself. †¢ Integrity—personal integrity which is basically doing what is right even in adverse situations where I would be faced with challenges and outside pressure. †¢ Honesty in my statements as this will build my personal reputation to others. †¢ Respect for people and objects. This entails respecting other people as well as their property, whether physical or intellectual. Assignment 3 Psychosynthesis. As Assagioli states in his interview by Sam Keen, â€Å"Psychosynthesis is not primarily concerned with developing will power. Strength is a necessary but not a sufficient condition of the will. It is equally important to develop a skillful will and a good will.† (Assagioli, 1974) By this method, a person can develop mental or self-discipline by imagining how their life would take a different turn characterized by a strong will. These imaginations can be coupled with some physical exercises such as running and the result will be that the person will develop into liking this new interest. For example, Assagioli states, â€Å"One very simple technique I use is a series of cards on which areShow MoreRelatedThe Metaphor Of The Mountain2319 Words   |  10 PagesAssignment 1 a. The metaphor of the mountain means that all parts of life age and grow old. The cutting down of trees symbolize getting bald. The metaphor also means that you can retain your knowledge and wisdom when you get older. The mountain can still retain its beauty even though the trees were cut down. b. The author thinks human nature is uncooperative and irrationally destructive. I do not agree with that statement. Human nature essentially good. No one is born evil. Even though there isRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Essay848 Words   |  4 Pagesmanipulate language by using, metaphors, similes, and a unique style of writing to reflect on oral traditions. The purpose of Kingston’s passage is to reflect upon her ancestor’s mistake to establish her values as an American immigrant where as Momaday’s purpose is to remember his ancestry through his grandmother to remind future generations of their family’s traditions. In The Way to Rainy Mountain, Momaday used a metaphor comparing his grandmother to the Rainy Mountain. For example, he writes thatRead MoreThe Breakdown Of The Basic Nature Of Chinese Poetry1343 Words   |  6 Pagesshows that they can be distinguished from one another through the use of metaphor to evoke the relationship between scene and feeling and vehicle and tenor respectively. The Western poetry’s use of metaphor celebrates the use of human deception through a made-up connection between that which is being talked about (tenor) and the one who talks about it (vehicle). On the other hand, the Chinese poetry’s relies on the metaphor to come up with the context of scene and feeling which involves the appreciationRead MoreFrankenstein Nature As Medicine1119 Words   |  5 Pagesthat Victor Frankenstein finds in nature shows the relation of nature and the human feeling; when one finds himself in nature, he is restored mentally, physically and spiritually. In the begi nning of Victor’s life he is described with naturalistic metaphors and other analogies in order to give the reader a better understanding of the connection Victor has with the environment. When Victor is mourning his friends and family, he frequently avoids humanity and attempts to find health and relaxation inRead MoreSummary Of IVe Been To The Mountaintop By Martin Luther Kings Speech930 Words   |  4 Pagesto the Mountaintop† is remembered by people as MLK asking the black population to go out in the streets with him and non violently protest for what they deserve. In his speech, Martin Luther King effectively uses many allusions, repetition, and metaphors to indicate his key point of calling the African American community to action; as he told them that if they kept protesting and did not give up, they will obtain the rights that they want because, they were already very close To start off, MLKRead MoreSymbolism and Metaphor In The Humbling River by Maynard James Keenan1399 Words   |  6 Pagesbiological imperatives in the same way that the rest of the animal kingdom is. The word nurture is metaphor for one’s immediate home including family, friends, and school and points to the guiding influences these forces present in our lives. The word heaven is metaphor for the religious belief that human beings are spirits who are influenced by outside spiritual forces that help to shape us. The word home is metaphor for the greater culture to which we belong and represents the influence of that culture onRead MoreAnalysis on Hobnail by Crystal Arbogast1455 Words   |  6 Pagesfeeling† (metaphor). We can see that these are warm relations. They loved each other and were concerned about each other. So Ellen secured her own shawl about her shoulders and picked up the lantern. Taking Fannies right hand, the pair proceeded on the three-mile trek back home. We can suppose that their social status wasn’t high, because they went on foot and they lived far from the town. The place was mountainous and it was difficult to go. â€Å"It wound and wound around the mountains and throughRead MoreAnalysis Of Africa By Maya Angelou768 Words   |  4 Pagesof personification, metaphors, repetition and imagery in Angelou’s poem portray the three distinctive stages of the African continent in a remarkable manner. The first stanza highlights the physical features of Africa using personification and metaphors. Maya Angelou compares the characteristics of Africa with that of a woman as she uses the words, â€Å"her† and â€Å"she†, throughout the poem. A line in the first stanza of the poem, â€Å"mountains her breasts† (5), describes how mountains resemble a woman’sRead MoreMengzi And Confucianism817 Words   |  4 Pagespeople can have ren, yi, li, and zhi. Throughout Mengzi’s teachings, he uses many metaphors and examples to illustrate his beliefs. One of the most famous examples is a child falling into a well. The basis of the augment is that if a child falls into a well, a human’s first reaction is to save the child, therefore, because people’s instinct is compassion, then human nature is good. Other times, Mengzi uses metaphors about nature to reflect that nature is good in itself and outside influences haveRead MoreCeremony By Leslie Marm on Silko1035 Words   |  5 Pageswriting the real story and poems in the alternate story. The animal symbolism is an integral piece of the novel’s importance that reflects characters and the Native American culture with the use of them in metaphors. Silko respectfully depicts the animals, such as cattle, Fly and Hummingbird, and mountain lion that represent Tayo and the Laguna people, Betonie, and the cultural relationship with nature. Cattle has a reliable significance by being the personification of the Native American people. Although

Thursday, December 12, 2019

How to be happy free essay sample

Do you want to live a happier life? B. I know I do! It has been very interesting for me to discover that we cant teach ourselves to be happier by changing our ways and thoughts. C. Happy people are healthier, have better relationships, and are more successful than grumpy people, sad people, or unhappy people. D. Ill show you how a few easy changes and a change of attitude will make you much happier and better able to deal with life. II. Body A. Lots of people say The more successful you are, the happier you are. But what f I told you it was the opposite? What if being happier actually made you more successful? 1 . The YouTube channel the science of happiness performed an experiment to see if this was true. they found a group of about 12 people and divided into two groups a controlled group and an experimental group. 2. With the experimental group they tried to make them happier by giving them candy, showing them funny videos and a gift card for helping them with the experiment. They gave the control group nothing. 3. Then they presented the same problem solving experiment to both groups and gave them 10 minutes to solve it. They gave them a cork board standing up, a candle, and a box of matches full of tax and matches. Then told them they had to fixate the candle to the cork board so that when they lit the Candlenut of the Waxwood touch the cork board or fall to the ground. 4. When the 10 minutes were up they found out more of the experimental group (happier group) finish faster than the control group. 5. The reason was happier people are better problem-solving fguring out new options and being more creative. Statistics say happier people perform better I marriage, friendship, income, work performance and health. B. How we feel is really up to us, but I am going to share several actions or behaviors that will help you live a happier life. These ideas and suggestions have been proven The Coca-Cola Happiness Machine project, and WikiHow to do Anything. 1. Live life in the present moment: You can learn from the past, hope for the future, but live in the present. Enjoy what is happening and learn from the past choose to be happy in this exact moment. We are not born knowing, see year, doubt and worry. Worry is one of the greatest detriments to our health. So choose to live worry free. Worrying about what ight happen in the future has never once made a positive change to the future, so why bother worrying about what may or may not ever happened. Be worry free and focus on what you can do to make life better and yourself happier! Put your smile on and Laugh out loud: Just the act of smiling, even if it is fake, Will help you and others around you feel better. Smiling is like a loop, smiling reinforces happiness, Just as happiness causes smiling. They say laughter is the best medicine and it is true. Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Shakespeare said, laugh and the world laughs with, cry and you cry alone. So laugh to inspires hopes, keeps you grounded and happier. 3. Choose to be optimistic: Happiness depends directly on how you look at today today living. For example researchers, Michael Norton, associate professor at Harvard Business School followed peohple who had won the lottery and found that a year later, they were no happier then people who didnt win. No matter what happens the effect on our happiness is temporary. So we should learn to look at the glass half full instead of half empty. So therefore if your girlfriend breaks up with you, youll have to chance to meet someone else! Or maybe you lose your Job. Now youll have a chance to find a better one! Tell yourself that whatever happens to you, youll find something good in it. 4. More money does not mean more happiness: A person has to have enough money to meet their basic needs of food, clothes, and shelter. Now more money might get you more motivation and comfort but more things never bring more happiness. In fact more money can complicate things and actually make you less happy. But when you are happy, Professor of economy Satya Paul, found that happy people earn more money then sad or grumpy people. He found that happy people, generally enjoy their Jobs more, therefore put in more time nd energy, earning around 25,000 dollars more per year! 5. Forgive and forget: Holding a grudge and not forgiving others hurts you and your Health. It adds to your stress. So forgive and forget, and move on, so you can lower your stress level! 6. Help others be happy: Bernard Melter says, Happiness is like a kiss. You must share to enjoy it. Spreading a little happiness is one of the best ways to bring more happiness into your own life. Compassion is all about doing something for people in need or for someone less fortunate than you. Studies show that people gain as much happiness rom watching others give to charity as they do from receiving money. Give love, kindness and happiness and you can be sure more happiness will come back to you. Conclusion: There is a saying that if a person chooses to be happy then the world around him or her will be happy. if a person chooses to be sad, he or she will be the only one who is sad. happiness is everywnere, and it depends on everyones attitude towards lite. therefore always try to find happiness by enjoying your life, overcoming the difficult you meet and have the people you love being around you. If you can do those things well, you will have happiness in your life.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Darkness Reincarnated free essay sample

Beowulf follows the epic battle of one man’s quest to conquer evil once and for all. Beowulf’s fearless battle with the monster that terrorized people for over a decade reflects one’s own battle of good and evil within. Grendel possesses a cruel nature as well as a strong sense of revenge and cruelty which is a mere image of one’s own sinful nature. He is the darkness inherent in mankind that must be triumphed only through virtue. Throughout Beowulf, Grendel shows an evil, monstrous side that most people know they possess, but very rarely let show through their facade. What is inside of Grendel is a tortured soul, alone and angry at the world and those who surround him. So he takes out his anger on the Danes. Feared by everyone except Beowulf, he defeats and kills anyone who challenges him. The same can be said whenever one tries to fix a problem alone. We will write a custom essay sample on Darkness Reincarnated or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page By fighting alone and quite unprepared, one is asking for immediate defeat. Without the help of one strong, virtuous warrior (i.e. Beowulf, who, in turn, represents Christ), you cannot defeat the monster within. Grendel represents the dark, aggressive persona that has come naturally to mankind since the Fall of Man. The hate and anger he portrays is displayed in the way he disrupts the Danes kingdom, and with the shedding of innocent lives. Said hate and anger can only be defeated by one brave enough, strong enough, and virtuous enough to rid the world of what should never have been. In a similar sense, mankind cannot beat own spiritual battles alone. Christ is the Savior, the only one who can truly defeat the monster of our natural selves.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Elder Abuse an Example by

Elder Abuse Elder abuse occurs when older adults are exposed to physical, emotional, or psychological harm. Abuse through physical harm includes the acts of kicking, beating, or hitting older persons, among others. Emotional and/or psychological abuse, on the other hand, results from any language, action, or even non-action which causes emotional and mental pain and fear of any kind (APA Online, 2008). Elder abuse has been classified as domestic abuse and institutional abuse. The former refers to abuses occurring in the homes while the latter concerns abuses in care facilities such as a nursing home or home for the aged (National Center on Elder Abuse, n.d.). Need essay sample on "Elder Abuse" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Elder abuse eluded detection for some time because of several reasons. One of these reasons is the fact that most elder abuse cases are domestic abuses, or abuses occurring in the homes. Detection had been difficult because families who were guilty of elder abuse usually isolated themselves from the rest of the community to hide their practices. This isolation also made it hard for victims to seek outside help. Some societal attitudes also helped conceal cases of elder abuse. One significant attitude among Americans is their belief that things or events occurring inside peoples homes are matters which involve the family and should therefore be considered private to that family. As such, it was considered unethical for some time for other people to intervene (APA Online, 2008). Cultural differences have also made detection difficult. For instance, when abusers used a foreign language to verbally abuse older adults, observers who did not understand the language had no way of knowing whether psychological or emotional abuse was already being committed. Moreover, in cultures where an old people is already considered as something to be discarded because of the absence of respect for their elderly, elder abuse was rampant but was not considered undesirable (APA Online, 2008). Reporting of elder abuse cases should be made mandatory because of the moral principle that Every older person has the right to be safe (National Center on Elder Abuse, n.d.). In other words, older persons are like any other members of society who are entitled to the protection of the constitution and the laws of the land. Society, as a whole, benefits from elder abuse prevention because it ensures that this sector of the American society retains its dignity and honor in spite of their advanced age. This is the reason why although the federal government has yet to come up with laws preventing elder abuse, the states have already passed their own versions of laws aimed at protecting the elderly (National Center on Elder Abuse, n.d.). References APA Online. (2008). Elder Abuse and Neglect: In Search of Solutions. Retrieved February 7, 2008 from National Center on Elder Abuse. (n.d.).

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Organizing function

Organizing function The Organizing Function of ManagementAt Marshals the way of organizing the function of management is very important. If managers do not stay functional and organized then the company could take a very large toll. Management is extremely significant because managers are who run the company. Also organization is vital to the business in every aspect whether it be human resources, technology, monetary, or knowledge. If managers did not have a structured plan every portion of the company would crumble one by one.Monetary management is very important to a company like marshals, because they bring in billions of dollars and every bit of that money has to be accounted for. To keep the money well organized and balanced, management logs how much money is made that day and also breaks it down into how each transaction was paid for. All checks and credit cards are automatically deposited into the companies account.Human Resources (audio drama)Then they go and subtract all of that from the day's total. Whatever is left is part of the daily safe audit. At all times managers should make sure the company has five thousand dollars in cash in the safe what ever is left goes into the deposit. Everyday the safe is audited to be sure that it is staying balanced.Human Resources is the key to the company, if there were nobody to run the store, than there would be no point in event trying to make money. A retail store can not be run by computers; it needs employees to operate it. That is where human resources comes in. In order to control a functional store, management must be very organized and aware when it involves human resources. Managers have to pay attention to payroll hours, such as making sure all associates are getting...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Pregnant Adult Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pregnant Adult - Essay Example If it does, all is well; but if it does not, no other source of sustenance is available and the fetus will not thrive. The single most critical nutrition period in pregnancy occurs before a woman knows she is pregnant. Improper balance of proper nutrients can not only affect the mother and the child but the child’s child and so forth. Since so many negative critical results can occur; such as, for example, Spin Bifida, the US Congress passed a law that certain foods be fortified with critical nutrients; such as Folate, Vitamins B6 and B12, iron, magnesium, and all the other major and minor trace minerals that are involved in normal cell division and replication If a woman’s nutrient status isn’t what it should be at the time she becomes pregnant; and, as a result these very early fetus developments do not take place properly, there is no second chance. Since a pregnant woman is only allowed 300 more calories than a non-pregnant one, she Just writing about a pregnant adult does not give an age range; and that can be very important as there is certainly a vast difference between a 25 year old and a 40 year old pregnant adult. However, for better or for worse, child bearing seems to have shifted in large measure from the 20s to the 30s as more and more women are furthering their education, developing their careers and travelling before settling down to motherhood. As with younger mothers--to—be, all women of child bearing years should have an excellent nutrient status in case a pregnancy occurs. Eating a balanced diet, having an exercise program, having medical conditions controlled, not smoking or taking drugs, and drinking very little alcohol, if any, should be the norm. . It is difficult to say that everyone in a certain age group has similar economic and social problems. A 35-year-old pregnant adult may be more financially